Art Career-Related Activities

2006: book of greatness: a collaborative work with proffessor Kmal Abo Deeb, Oxford. Orex Books , England.

2005: Delta, a philosophical art book, with a text by the Libean author Ibrahim al-Koni, published by Litho Art New, Turin, Italy. 1000 copies, thirty of them include original painting signed by the artist.

2003: The Expression of the Saudi Women, a cultural dialogue, in the House of Parliament Paris, The Senate. Organized by the French Institute For Cultural Strategy. 

1997: collaborated with the American photographer Wendy Ewald, in her photography workshop entitled (my dream), (my portrait) and (photography as a mean of creativity), exhibited in Holland, USA, and New York 2002. Published in the book called (Secret Games).

1991/1993: Organized exhibitions of children's art at the Kindergarten Teachers’ Training Center and at the Saudi Art Center 1993, Jeddah.

1984: Established and sponsored, in collaboration with Raja Alem, a recreational and cultural club for the neighborhood children of the city of Mecca. Saudi Arabia.

1997: Published, in collaboration with Raja Alem, Musra Ya Raqeeb, a novel in words and paintings. Published by Le Centre Culturel Arabe of Casablanca, Morocco.

1986/2002: Cover design for literary books for Dar al-Adab Publishers. Lebanon.
For Jeddah & Jazan Literary Cultural Clubs and for Al-Faisaliah Women’s Charity Committee.

Studies and Lectures

1992/2000: Translations from English to Arabic of English songs, finger-plays and stories to enrich the children’s book library.

1998: ‘Training Guide for Kindergarten Teachers on Developing Creative Curriculums’.
A collaborative study with Raja Alem, published in Jeddah.

1993: How to develop children’s creativity through art. The importance of art corner in kindergartens.

1992: characteristics of the artwork of children age 3-6.

1992: techniques and functions of bulletin boards in kindergartens.


1998: Utopia prize, British Airways, to represent Saudi Arabia art and culture on the tailfin of some of the British Airways’ aircrafts.
1994: Group (A) prize in the second annual Saudi Airlines Competition. Saudi Arabia.
1985: Art work awarded prizes and collected by The Youth Welfare Ministry, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Public Collections

*Reserve des livres rares de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. (bibliographie nationale française livres - cumulatif 2002 p3/291  55675.)

*Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris.

*The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art”, Seoul, Korea.

*The British Airways Collections.

*Al-Mansouria Collection, Jeddah.

*Al-Mahmal Administration, Jeddah.

*Redha art Gallery, Jeddah.

United States, Ireland, Korea, Qatar, South Africa, Paris. 

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